Saturday, October 15, 2022

YuniD Debuts With A Story

"Baby Got Out" by Herr D on Offspring growing up can be an adventure.--Shelob



REDACTED. Oh, your squidling.

[laughs] My kid. Yeah. She wrote a story. Pretty good, too! Good enough to debut here. [scans] It appears beyond her academic level.

Yeah, well, she's an advanced student. [noticeable temperature change, possible emotional output] Yes, please; Herr D, post.

[posts] She said to title it "What Happened To The Processor?"--The song referenced is real, and pretty good, even to my old-fashioned ears.

"I found this song earlier; would you like to hear it? It's called `Nothing ever changes' by Nico Collins." Olive said. The song started playing, glitching a little as it was. "Where did you find this? It's quite interesting." Cecilia replied; as the music glitched one more time and shut off. "I found it on this playlist made by TeddyLover625." Olive declared, very excited about her find. 

"Well, it's cool compared to other songs we have heard!" Cecilia exclaimed, trying to turn the music on again. "Why isn't it turning back on? I want to hear it again." 

Olive messed around with the now cracked pad, trying to get the computer to turn on again. The computer made an odd mangled sound; before sparking and powering off. "Aw, come on!" She barked and snapped it in two with her bare hands, throwing it forty feet easily.

 "Calm down; the processor was very fragile!" Cecilia said as she sprinted to grab the two mangled pieces. 

"It wasn't working, though!"

 "Come on, let's get back to the ship," Cecilia replied solemnly, bringing the two pieces with her. Cecilia perked up, "What was that song ABOUT, anyway?"

 Olive replies, "They were talking about gun violence, 2021-2022? That year's frame was when it was published, anyway."

"The pandemic in ancient history class?"

"Yeah, we still called ourselves 'humans' back then? Subject to illness? Let's get it to the lab; maybe we can fix it. We have some of their other outdated techs." 

Cecilia scrunched up her face, "Gun violence? Don't you mean hunting?"

Olive blinked, "No, it's when humans killed humans."

Cecilia arched her back a little, her long ears straightening. "Wasn't that illegal, even back then?"

Olive nodded, "Yes, but now it would punish the victim as well as the one who shot; it would burst our eardrums and damage our cranium."


Olive wiggled her ears a little and said, "The ship is close! Let's go."

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