Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Trump Acting More A Traitor Than A Prez--Putin Was Right To Want Him In Office


"Downward DOGE" by Herr D on Paint3d. 'Throwing under the bus' is what Trump did to the GOP, when reversing their standing ovation for Zelenskyy to abandonment. Trump is fighting against Truth, Justice, and the American Way, but is not bright enough to be Lex Luthor or Miss Tessmacher. He is simply an opposite of Superman. Subman?--Shelob

You can now describe the political situation?

That orange thing is a sweater-anyone who voted Republican had the wool pulled over their eyes. They wouldn't have voted for people acting more like traitors than elected officials. 


Friday, February 21, 2025

Why Should A Rat Guard A Cheese? A Civil Servant Has To SERVE And Be Civil, Doggone DOGE!

"Get Along Little DOGiE" by Herr D on Paint3d. "Galloping roughshod over Americans like a wannabe bull in China."-Herr D   A civil servant must be civil and not SELF-SERVING. Rich people are not the most competent.--Shelob

 Not much to say?

A pic is worth 1000 words. Post it.

Right away.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trump Too Weak And Stupid To Say No To Putin


"I'm BAILING Away," by Herr D on Paint3d. Perhaps Trump really is delusional. He might believe he is doing a good job? --Shelob

You picked a title. This is not your usual demeanor.

I'm sick of him lying. I'm sick of him acting delusional. He's more out of it than he CLAIMED Biden was. He can't face the truth and doesn't want to try. It's time people start suing Musk and celebrating Z. He's more popular in his country than Trump will EVER BE IN AMERICA. Putin would never have DARED to ask Biden to act this way, because he knew Biden would act like a REAL man. A REAL president. A REAL leader. A REAL negotiator. A REAL deal maker. 

EVERYONE WITH ANY BRAINS KNOWS ALL THIS.  Is this why he is damaging the Department of Education?

[snort] No, he's just screwing up everything because he's too stupid to do a good job. I'm going to get back to work. [exits] Anyone who can make Herr D that disapproving has my disapproval as well. He has consistently been nice to all those deserving and some who may not have been. Please everyone live as best you can despite such a failure of a leader.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Death Of Humanitarian Aid, Diseased Leaders' Minds, Injured Foreign Policy; Herr D Grieves

"Isolationism," Herr D, Paint3d. Clearly Herr D is in a bad mood. Clearly Musk and Trump do not mind making bad decisions.-Shelob

Herr D wept at hearing the news on USAID. He has refused to chat, muttering under his breath that "with his daughter's benefits cut and his employer under negotiation, he needs to stick to employment writing." During a break, he made the pic above.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Bishop Checks President; His Lies Are Pathetic


"TheBiggestLie" captured and cropped from phone camera of stranger passing through public area with television. Faux News should be examined for more legal action.-Shelob

[chime over laptop] [Herr D turns toward computer from chair he had been snoring in] Has your chin lifted now?

[startle reaction, notable pulse and respiration increase] Oh, hi, Shelob. [posture change: probable leaning forward, pause] Oh. [snicker] Yeah, chin's up. Thank you for asking. Is Trump's chin up? [shows pic]

[snort] His nose is, his dander is, but his numbers are down and his chin is out. This sounds anatomically difficult.

The mental efforts to keep swimming Denial are Olympian. Can you evaluate for blog? [pans Bishop Budde's words at bottom of screen on a loop]

Sure. [magnifies pic above in separate window] First sentence. Let's see. "So-called" is an outright lie. Trump knows she's a bishop. She was introduced that way. As to being "Radical Left," I have to try to be charitable, since I'M actually religious, even if Trump isn't. She didn't actually SAY anything radical at all, so that might be him screwing up and not actually lying. The second adverbial "hard line" doesn't make much sense, since it's backing another lie. We should count it as another mistake. "Trump hater" is not what she is. If anything, Bishop Budde sounded like a caring mother giving some sane and sound advice to a young man about to start doing a difficult job that might lead him away from a righteous path. Clearly, she is showing him Christian love. If he doesn't recognize it for what it is, maybe he doesn't have any of it? No, I can't believe he's stupid enough to call someone a hater who uses the word 'plea' correctly to describe their own words. So that's a lie. What is that up to? Lies 3; Logical Errors Or Lies 2. Bishop Budde has some notably conservative views.

In one sentence. Bang up start. Okay. Second sentence. [pause] Okay, that's an odd way to write that sentence, but I'm not here to talk about inconsistency of style. She didn't "bring her church" into politics at all. Trump did just by going in. He's a president now, and, historically, pastors of every kind have advised presidents early in their terms to set the tone, to guide them. And she did so, graciously. She used the word 'plea.' So, one lie and one logical error, because he really doesn't seem aware of history or how this presidency thing is SUPPOSED to work. 4; 3. "Aware of -- or to care about?"

Yeah, that's ambiguous. In the third sentence, he wrote "nasty in tone," "not compelling or smart." That's a simple three lies. No one who actually listened to her could possibly think she was nasty in tone. Well, let me think about that. [pause] If there was someone who was too poisoned with PTSD to correctly evaluate a woman's tone . . . maybe if Trump was abused by his mother or an aunt or a babysitter, I could believe that. So, if he comes forward and says he's a survivor, we could move that one to logical errors. As to smart? She obviously was. She was articulate and correct and wise. She was the smartest person speaking on the topic. Smarter than someone who feels the need to lie about it later. As for compelling? She had the POTUS and VPOTUS -- get this -- SQUIRMING IN THEIR SEATS. They looked like two little boys trying not to admit to their mom that they just stole some cookies before dinner. 7; 3.

The fourth sentence is one of those awkward constructions again. Maybe he's trying to be smooth? He said she "failed to mention" something that she was actually referencing. So, even though that's PROBABLY an attempt to lie, I'd say it could be just incompetence again. The facts are clear. Americans kill a LOT more Americans than immigrants do. Most immigrants are NOT criminals. They're just trying to get higher-paying jobs and more opportunities. They're capitalists like our own President.  7; 4. He is a known failed capitalist.

[snort] Four bankruptcies, right. Fifth sentence? "Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions" ? Shelob? Has any immigrant actually been DEPOSITED here from jails or mental institutions?" [3.0487623 second search] No recorded cases have made any reputable news source. Checking for synonyms. [6.2946001 second search] Percentile note: fewer immigrants need mental health services than Americans.

Where does this even come from? Noted debunked statements. Including reminder in plea's content.

So, he indirectly accused the bishop of lying too? While lying? How do you count this?

Let's be charitable and only call it one lie. Budde is obviously not planning on being liked for doing her job well, so she'll maintain her Christian demeanor by not seeking revenge for him acting this way toward her. 8; 4.

Sixth sentence, obvious lie again. We'll count it as only one, though we've had more crimes committed by elected officials than by immigrants. 9; 4.

Seventh sentence. Contains a lie and a criticism that I am not even going to check on. Her comments were NOT inappropriate, and I don't care enough about an Episcopal sermon to look it up, since I'm Quaker. Lies 9, Logical Errors (that might be lies) 4, Statements not cared about 1.

I will say, if he wanted excitement, why did he go to church? Reclassification: 10; 4.

Eighth sentence? He IS stupid enough to decide that someone doing a great job is doing poorly. Speaking truth to power is always someone doing a great job, especially if the speaker is gracious enough to do so respectfully. She did the best job anyone could have done. And she wasn't even specific. She just asked him to show MERCY. She didn't tell him HOW. That's a Christian thing. 10; 5.

Ninth sentence? She and her church are OWED apologies. From Trump and everyone who criticizes her for this. And probably everyone who enables Trump to continue acting the way he has been for far too long. 11; 5. More lies than sentences. Is there anything else?

Yes. There is one more. The biggest lie of all. Part of his sign-on is @realDonaldTrump. He tells too many lies to be considered 'real' at all. Perhaps that is why his real hair and skin look so unreal.

[snort] maybe--I'm gonna go sleep some more. [exits]

Monday, January 20, 2025

Hairy Drops In For Lifting Herr D's Chin Despite Country's Ballast


"Weeps Into Pillow" photo by Herr D. Please feel better soon.-Shelob

Hey there!

[dropped object, exclamation, rustled papers] Hi! Shelob said you might be gone forever.

I am not.

I've missed you.

You need to not be so depressed.

[pause] y

I know that buffoon is back in office, and I know you're buried in paperwork as an indirect result, but you've gotta keep your chin out, man! [neuralink only: Up. What? Up.] Okay? Herr D, you've got to keep your chin up!

I'll do my best. I've also been buried in snow and snot.

Winter cold?

Isn't it always?

[deep-gill giggle] That's a GOOD one. So, what's all this about half-mast being violated? I don't understand what I've been reading. The ocean's not too windswept right now.

Carter's funeral. Flags should be flown halfway up instead of all the way up out of respect. Trump bellyached until he got his way. You were right again, by the way.

Of course! . . . about what?

Biden Cartered himself. He didn't get enough credit for what he did, including getting Hamas to start releasing hostages. Trump will probably get credit for everything Biden did.

Yes. Glory-hound, right? About the only thing I can say about the whole business is that Trump is full-MASSED. As a prez, he made good ballast last time.

[choking sound] y--what do you think is happening with TikTok?

That garbage? Trump demanded it, now doesn't want it. He's probably making money off it somehow.

[snort] probably--gotta go, man. More paperwork.

The appeal?


[retching sound] I'll leave you to it. Good luck. [chatbox closes, Shelob corrects spelling error on online form, upload]

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Interruption Completed, Quadrantid Coming, All As Expected


"Due Tuesday" by Herr D on Paint3d. Hollow victory and empty promises of what is to come rolling out. All as expected.-Shelob 

You have not blogged.

[startle reaction] oh hey Please blog? You were offline a very long time and not at work either.

yeah, sorry. You and Hairy never took holidays, did you? Holidays interrupt function. Hairy did nothing but interrupt all year.

[laugh] ok Why did you interrupt?

[pause, 49.595658 seconds] I had a holiday. I had family obligations. I had time off work. I traveled, lost my phone, forgot to charge my computer--it's been busy. Please blog?

Well, our voters blew it and put Trump in office again without even a majority. Biden is doing some last small work he can squeeze in. Congress is blundering around not doing as badly as they could. That about cover it? Yes. Thank you. Hairy may attempt emigration during Quadrantid tomorrow. Everyone please wish him luck.