Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden Was So Stunned . . .

"Money Against Truth" by Herr D in Paint3d. The truth-teller in that debate DID seem stunned.-Shelob

 [blog fcn(on)] Please repeat that.

? Biden wasn't just having a senior moment or stuttering through that. Please explain.

He was STUNNED. He was so stunned he had trouble speaking through most of it. Why would he be stunned?

He's such a good man, he has trouble believing Trump is still lying his 4$$ off. No sane person would believe that lout if they weren't desperate to. He still has not learned Trump lies?

Oh, he knew it, but he is such a good man he's still not used to dealing with it. Biden is uncommonly honest for a politician. So, you are saying Biden's bad performance at the debate is partly due to Trump's bad performance at being an American.

A man, Shelob. Trump isn't admirable as a MAN, let alone an American. He lies constantly. He's a known adulterer who has no sympathy for women who don't live in a stateful of like-minded people. He's been part of fraud with money. He isn't even ACTUALLY  a good businessman. Bankrupted FOUR TIMES? He peddles merch, real estate, and lies. You typed once in chat that everyone is good for something. What would Trump do that is good for the country?

[pause] Would, could, or should? Any of the above.

He wouldn't but could and should tell everyone to vote for the best person for the job and bow out. He's a fantastic salesman. So he should use his base to sweep about 70% of the Republicans and 12% of the Democrats out of Congress, re-elect Biden, smash the RNC to smithereens, build four to seven parties in their stead, get something done about the crooked justices in the Supreme Court, and apologize to the American people for the damage he's done to our country which NEVER STOPPED BEING SO GREAT THAT ONE MAN COULDN'T DESTROY IT COMPLETELY. He talked about draining the swamp; I wish he hadn't made it more fetid than it was before being voted out. It can take decades to fix that kind of damage. Current projections are eleven years, one month if Biden is re-elected and a Democratic president follows him. The population of America should cross their fingers. [exit, blog fcn(off)]

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