Sunday, July 21, 2024

Herr D Points Out "There's Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself" While Shelob Wants Biden To Run Microsoft

"Voting Is A Duty" by Herr D on Paint3d. Biden would do well in a second term if elected. The presidency is not something designed for young men, but for old ones.-Shelob

 You have not blogged.

There aren't that many truly newsworthy events to comment on, and I've been working on fiction when I HAVE the time--Which is never, as you keep saying.

Yes! Then please provide summation for anyone only looking at your blog, of current political situation.

[snicker] Our numbers aren't that good. Please.

Ok. . . . Some of the right wingers are afraid that Trump will go back on his word to push their less-American, theocratic agenda. Some Trump followers are afraid he'll lose or be killed. Some Democrats are so afraid Biden will lose because the media is pounding them with the notion, that they're calling for someone else to run. Some Democrats are afraid to vote for Biden, forgetting that that's why Trump won the first time. (They're forgetting the way our system works.) Some people, regardless of party, are afraid Trump will win. (Hopefully a majority.) Some people are afraid the Microsoft thing was a plot--It was not.

Well, yeah, the news said--It was administerial incompetence.

?The news said--that it was faulty code. The reason the base code of Windows could not react correctly is that coders are not the people making decisions. 

[pause] Wow. Maybe you should be blogging. Nearly 25% of Windows code is still superfluous and needs to be removed. The update schedule is a transparent attempt to seem important. The coders could do better if allowed.

Just wow. How would you compare THAT to our current situation? Biden is a competent leader still fixing what he was given and dealing with bad players. He would be a suitable fixer to Microsoft, even if he knows nothing about coding.

Because of how he's been with our government. Exactly. 

Thank you! [exits] Thank you. [exits, uploads, BlogFcn(off)]

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