Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Know The Job, Says Herr D, Not The Glitz


"Headcut" by Herr D on Paint3d. Biden is not addled like some voters are.-Shelob

Why are journalists focused on Biden's small gaffes and not Trump's large ones? Hairy always used to say humans were backward, and needed to be corrected, because he meant backwards.

[snort] Because mobs are immature.  Please explain.

You know the saying 'Familiarity breeds contempt?' Yes. It is on file.

Well, the reason mature people can stay married and not hate their spouse is that familiarity breeds contempt in the immature. [pulse rises ten percent] Check those files of yours. Sheer quantity of negative press statements should always rise against an incumbent. [5.547704286524 second pause] Press statements frequency of negativity rise against incumbents. So do assassinations.

[startle reaction] Hadn't thought about that. The difference there is, if Biden were assassinated, the world would mourn. If Trump were assassinated, the world would rejoice, if quietly, while Trump supporters rioted. And the pro tempore?

Might not be loved or appreciated as much, but would hang on to doing as good a job as the Cabinet could guide her to do. Trump couldn't get Pence back if he WANTED, and he wouldn't. Anyone else he's likely to pick is a wackadoodle.  Do you have confidence in Biden?

More than when I voted for him before. Biden is making good decisions and judgement calls. THAT is what a president is. Not some showy speechmaker. We have diplomats for that. Understood. What is your worry, then?

Not enough people will show up to vote for Biden, and Trump will win? That's why Hillary didn't win. Correct. It was a surprisingly low turnout.

One thing you can always say about crazies. They're motivated. I need a shower. [exits]

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