Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Herr D Has No Comment At This Time


"No Comment" by Herr D on Paint3d. He is unusually unresponsive at this time.-Shelob

You work for the government. You will not comment upon drone sightings?


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Kash Being Inflated, Should Be Devalued, And Hunter Was Hunted Out Of Season


"THAKTH" by Herr D on Paint3d. Clearly, Herr D believes Joe Biden is pardonable for pardoning his son after time served, and it has something to do with Trumpian skulduggery.-Shelob

[opens chatbox in center of chess game] You have not blogged.

[startle reaction] busy tired overwhelmed depressed Is it over pardon of Hunter Biden?

[pause] no? What is it over?

My disabled daughter's benefits are getting cut again. Somebody wants to keep their job by cutting her out of their budget, among others. Our appeal isn't going well. This is the third time.

Yes! It happened in 2016 for apparently the same reason. And the other?

When Republican Congress attempted to defund Obamacare but defunded her disability, my unemployment, and some veteran's benefits. There were other things they defunded that I don't remember. You are not a veteran.

No, but I actually knew a few veterans at that time that felt the cut badly. I commiserated with them. One of them had been a Republican his whole life. He felt betrayed. Was it a betrayal?

Not a personal one. The Republican party betrayed all the downtrodden at once that time. Unfortunately, no one remembered when it came time to vote. What do you think of Hunter Biden's pardon?

He committed less crimes than several of Trump's appointees, who were never even CHARGED. He committed fewer crimes than a lot of Republican congressmen. He's done a lot less wrong than Trump HIMSELF. So, your view on the Republicans anger over Hunter's pardon is that they are unfair?

I think they're  mad that he read the room. What does this mean, that he read the room?

The president knew Hunter was in for more persecution and finally put a stop to the potential bullying. Especially since, if Kash has his way, the FBI will stop being useful and start being predatory. Thank you. [exit, submit to titlebot]

Monday, November 18, 2024

Common Sense In Remission But Not Autism Or Need


"Due Tuesday" on Paint3d  by Herr D. Some accomplishments are hollow.-Shelob

You have not blogged.

[startle reaction] I'm -- sorry. Your health has apparently declined. 

How do you know? Your pulse is weaker, according to your phone. Your activity level is decreased. You called in sick.

Well, yes. You are sick? Hairy frequently said sickness is faked by American workers.

I may be just worn out and depressed. What are you working on? The microphone on your laptop picked up paper shuffling, pen scratches, sighing. Is it paperwork?

[snort] y What kind?

My special needs kid's benefits are being cut. I'm trying to appeal it. Can autism go into remission?

No! Your child is still alive?

Yes! Why would cutting that make sense?

This happened in 2016, too. The story we got later was that somebody was worried that if they didn't cut their budget, they'd lose their job. So it got cut. Our family suffered. [accessing] This is the third time?

The other time happened at the same time they cut my unemployment and veteran's benefits for some people I know. I got a really polite letter from the Commonwealth of Virginia, explaining to me that the federal government wouldn't pay their share, so, even though I was entitled, I would get no more. I had to rush right out and take the job that paid less than my unemployment that no one wanted. Costing your family potentially $16,000 per year in wages, $800 per year in a stipend for diapers, and what you have described as 'intangible' benefits.

REDACTED was not as happy without music therapy, and did not learn without ABA therapy. Six hours a week total. And has not recovered?

No. REDACTED still hasn't recovered from the loss of progress in potty training, still hasn't progressed mentally in many waysYou are not a Democrat despite this?

No. They've done better for my family, but they don't make it easier for us to GET those benefits. I'm just more against the Republicans than the Democrats because they keep costing my family too much. This is not an endorsement.

Nope. Anything else?

I'm depressed. I DID hope we'd at least have an adult in the White House . . .  I gotta go, Shelob [exits] Perhaps America will recover as predicted by Hairy in 2031. Good luck, everyone. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

"Levin Doesn't Listen" Says Herr D; Do Voters Keep Receipts?

"Choices" by Herr D on Paint3d. Vilifying a vengeful hypocritical adulterous liar is not the same as vilifying a 'career politician' who has helped repair damages caused by the former.-Shelob

 [fake retching noise] Levin doesn't listen. Please explain.

I mean, you can tell he reads. Most of the history he presented was correct. The man can't listen to a speech for an entire sentence. Example?

KH didn't say to "turn the page" on democracy or liberty or moderation or good sense. She said to turn the page on hate speech and racism and extreme partisanship like Levin. KH isn't an extremist. But we know Levin hasn't listened to any of Trump's speeches. Getting another tyrant would be possible. That follows. It was a style not match error. Please explain second complaint. [plays clip]

[camera shows vigorous head shake with closed eyes] Uch. More style not match error?

Yes! She's not Marxist, she's not socialist, she's not communist, and she's not going to ruin our economy. She does not fit the governmental definitions. How do you know she won't ruin the economy?

Because I'm better off right now than I was in 2016 AND 2017 AND 2018. There are a number of folks that have had some bad luck with the stocks, but even with some higher prices right now, I don't know any poor (like I am, almost) worse off now than WHEN TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE. 

Does anyone remember that tomatoes and oranges were higher in 2018 than they are now? Does anyone remember that milk and gasoline were too? I occasionally keep receipts. They have dates on them. Complainants may not keep time-sensitive records for complaint accuracy. Blog requirement fulfilled. [exit, picselect(topicanalysisfcn), upload]

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

WWJD? Not Pass Laws, Says Herr D


"Modern Moses" by Herr D on Paint3d. Many believe less is more in law.-Shelob

[insert from chat] No. Does this qualify you as a 'NeverTrumper?'

I'm not sure that would cover it. I never want a felon in the White House. I never want anyone but a mature adult for our president. I never want a corrupt judge on the Supreme Court. At last count I didn't want about 3/4 of Congress and 1/10 of our governors. Would you run for office?

I'd consider it, but last I looked, I'm not popular enough as a person to bother. I'd be a great addition to a cabinet, advisory board, etc.--of course, I DO  have some familial obligations first. You have said you are not rich enough or free enough. Is that still accurate?

Yes. Your stance on abortion is not clear.

I think the government needs to step out of it entirely. Because?

Because it is a religious choice. You are religious.

Yes, but Jesus never ruled on Earth! When people were torturing and killing him, they MOCKED  him by calling him "King of the Jews." When you ask, "What would Jesus do?" you CAN'T say "build a theocracy." Being an American means letting people be free. Being a Christian means leading by example. Restricting freedom unnecessarily is UN-AMERICAN. Edging this country toward a theocracy, even a Christian one, is UN-CHRISTIAN. The Religious Right might be religious, but they ain't right! You sound like some of your ruling style would be to rule less. 

There ARE loads of laws to purge from the books. That could take a couple of terms, minimum. So you would be busy.

[sigh] Just like now. Gotta go. One last thing--your reason for telling everyone to vote?

If you don't vote, you risk letting the crazy minority win. Thank you.

yw [exits]

Saturday, October 19, 2024

It's Time To Get Scary


"Voting Masks" by Herr D. Odd, that the traditionally deceptive would even notice masks.-Shelob


Well, that happened . . .  [scans terminal history] You are reading a company policy.

No, I'm reading the HISTORY of my company's new policy. They declared no one can come as a president or past president or country leader, past or present, of any country. I was sympathetic to Sam, who likes to come as Abe Lincoln. Sam is tall. He has a black beard--it's a good look for him. I said I'd arm him for a protest meeting if I could. Now I know he has little hope. Why, then?

Some dope among our admins was reading in the private chatrooms where he's not supposed to, and read that "A Trump '25' mask would be really scary." Would it not be scary?

He didn't want that at the party. Then another admin pointed out that Hitler, Mao, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Pol Pot, etc., should be in the same class. From there it mushroomed into absurdity. [snort] I ought to tell Sam to go as an admin holding a crystal ball. That would be scary? Perhaps the insight would improve their behavior?

Not likely. They should have wrote 'no controversial figures in current events.' That would have done it. What will you tell Sam?

Just that. Very few people can't admire AL. Thank you.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

And So It Goes . . .


"Aim Higher" by Herr D on Paint3d. Mob rule rules right when it needs left.-Herr D

Why . . . did you show me this? You were watching the same content by Hannity.

This is the same nonsense. By somebody who was fired or something. 'Or something.' Watters is less popular, and thus, is more subject to punishment for fraud.

I'd love it if people would get punished for fraud just for not making it plain they ARE A PUNDIT. An amazing number of people I've spoken to didn't even realize there was a difference between a journalist and a pundit. More than one of them said "What's a pundit?" Who did they think they were watching?

The news! That's what I'm saying! A surprising number of people think that their entertainment is news. Style not match error.

[snort] Yes. Trump fans are still nuts and more likely to vote than anyone. 3rd-party enthusiasts are more likely to waste their vote than usual. KH fans are capable of saving us from four more disastrous years even if she turns out to NOT be a good prez.  What are the odds of her being a good president?

Keeping Trump out would automatically mean she's an average prez, because it would mean she carried the office sanely and with charisma. Odds are heavily against people being happy with her, because Trump fans will make everyone unhappy as much as they can. Being pro-union and pro-middle class means some high-powered business people are going to bias all their advertisements against her and pay influencers to yell and moan about her. Since KH is a stateswoman, rather than a wicked salesman gifted at talking himself up, all the sheeple out there are just going to hate her.

Then there's historically the presidency in general. Presidents who work hard, do the right thing, make a difference, get America out of trouble, and fulfill their campaign promises usually get voted out after their first term and have people miss them after it's too late. They also face more complaints, fairly AND unfairly, than the others. So the better she does, the more complaints there will be?

Yes. It would appear the American public does not know what is good for them.

THAT is why Obama tricked Congress into passing the ACA thirty years after Hillary Clinton tried to reform health care, thirty years LATE. And has heard little but complaints about it. We still need to do a LOT of tort reform and improve Obamacare rather than wait till it's forty years overdue again. Thank you.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Watch For Bad Editing, Says Herr D; You Must Be Sharp, Says Shelob


"Sign Of The Times" by Herr D on Paint3d. This DOES seem to be worse, recently.-Shelob

[turns off newsfeed over youtube.com] Yeechhh. Analysis?

[notices chatbox that was behind newsfeed window, startles] Shelob?! Here.

[snorts] I see. That's what, six in a row? Six in a row of what?

Words taken out of context. You can see where it was wrongly edited, if you're good. Interesting that the majority of broadcasters of fake news are mis-editing KH's words. It has been six in a row. One of the broadcasters presented false credentials.

I don't think it's interesting. I think it's criminal. I'd like to see fraud charges brought against a lot of those sites, participants, etc. I think youtube should have on it's homepage something that suggests news sources that are reliable like wire services, and advise people that much content is not only wrong-headed, but unhealthy and potentially dangerous. That might be a good suggestion. Make a pic?

I'll see if I have time tonight. [exits]

Friday, September 20, 2024

Trump Is So Fat Because He Loves Suckers; Herr D Is Down On Three Nutrients, Sleep, And Rest


"Voting Is A DUTY" by Herr D on Paint3d. Choices must be made responsibly.-Shelob

Wow--I finally got through the prez debate. You need more leisure time.

I do. You need more sleep. 

I do, b--You need more manganese, vitamin C, and iron.

I've watched what you eat over your breakroom camera as well as your laptop camera and analyzed the ingredients within 7.70946952 %.

[picks up 'mandy'] Will this fix it? That will alleviate some of the vitamin deficit.

Pork chops for dinner? That will possibly achieve your healthy minimum nutrition. Your sleep and rest requirements will take precedence.

[mutters under breath] What did you think of the debate?

I'm sorry KH sounds like a politician. Trump still sounds like a madman. Vance, in the afterblurb sounded #$%^&* DITZY. I'm worried, Shelob. Trump's followers are crazy. Crazy people ALWAYS vote. They turn out. Sane people don't always vote. We could wind up with him in office again. I REALLY don't want to go through that again. He'll try to 'Make America Greatly Troubled Again.' Insanity apparently is it's own cause.

Well, it self-reinforces. You will vote for KH.

Yes. There isn't another possibility for anyone who doesn't want the next mishandling of America. I hope she's at least half as effective as she is optimistic. If she is, I'll be happy.  The lies Trump told were effective?

He's always been an effective liar. The problem is, I DON'T like the effects. How do people believe the pet-eating story? They believe in Trump.

Yeah, [shakes head sadly] Sucker born every minute. And Trump wants our nation full of clowns.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did You Really Get That? Everyone Should Worry.

"Headcut" by Herr D on Paint3d. Presentation of any political idea must be done simply for modern audiences to allow for the lack of enforced thinking in any free society.-Shelob


You haven't asked me to blog lately--I HAVE enjoyed the break, Shelob, but I have something for you. Blog cessation enforced. Please supply topic for consideration.

Maddow was presenting something about anti-Semitism recently, but it occurred to me that most people today don't have the attention span to guarantee they would understand she wasn't advocating it rather than criticizing it. Misunderstandings matter.


[Topic importance override: Submit immediately.]

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Perseids Passage Prospectively Pertinent, Perhaps Properly


"Clock" from auction site. Time is still passing.-Shelob

Annual Perseid blogging cessation repeated. Please stand by.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Perfusion Of Attention Prevents Confusion About Inflation


"Superstition" by Herr D on Paint3d. Economics can be as complicated as omens.-Shelob

Why are people still confused about inflation?

Shelob, people are always confused. Error persists and learning is slow, particularly when sloppy thinking is common. Why WOULDN'T they be confused about inflation? I have a neighbor who thinks Trump needs to be re-elected. After the LAST fiasco! Why do you not have the same confusion?

You mean about our current economy? Yes.

I guess because I pay attention. My IRA has made more money in the past two years than it has in the last twenty. It SHOULD have made more than the last five or six, considering the nature of compound interest and how long I've had it and the pandemic, where it lost money. But twenty? Then there's apps and digital books. [2 second pause] You pay attention to those?

Yuni D is a technophile and I can't afford the paperbacks I want to read, so I shop around for a while before buying. You are attempting to spend less.

Exactly! So I noticed that digital books and apps have almost not gone up at all compared to other products and services. And they went up much much later.  You are correct. That is not actually inflation.

I'll tell you what part of it is. What?

Republican-owned petroleum companies deciding to gouge customers more while making Biden look bad to anyone who doesn't think about it.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Hostages Returning Made Herr D Nervous, But All Is Well


"U.S. Flag" by Herr D on Paint3d. Despite his nervousness, things went well.

I don't mind telling you, I was a bit nervous. Why?

Both the president and vice president were on the same airfield. Yes?

And the plane had just arrived from another country? Yes?

I had a little fear that security might fail somehow. How?

Nevermind. Nothing happened. Correction, the hostages arrived.

Right. [exits]

Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Job Description, A Missing Gauge, And A Pointed Declaration

"Choices" by Herr D on Paint3d. Curious how this is opposite to some people's views. It is strange how backwards most people are.-Shelob

 [text to type function test #78] Style not match error.

What? Shelob?! Until Biden dropped out of the race, several of his own cronies lambasted him for staying. Now they are grateful he is present and continuing his work. This is inconsistent.

[snort] They're POLITICIANS, Shelob. They should have been glad enough to keep him. I'm sorry he's not running. I'm sure KH could ask his advice anytime she needs him to weigh in. If this turnabout causes Trump to lose, and more unity in the Dems, it's a win.  [shows clip of journalist asking 'Is America ready for a woman president?"] Is America ready?

If we aren't, everyone who isn't needs to apologize to our ancestors and our children for hypocrisy. Everyone NOT enamored of Trump who DOESN'T vote for Kamala should check themselves for misogyny. It IS common enough a problem that I can't be sure she'll win. Even a lot of women wouldn't vote for a woman yet. What sort of gauge does one check for misogyny?

[camera detects unfamiliar facial expression] People should ask themselves, seriously, [shifts in seat] do they not think a woman can make decisions, consult and understand people, read, stick to policy, make phone calls, and listen to input from various sources, keeping in mind the nature and reliability of those sources?

That's the job.

On top of that, do they not think a woman can make speeches? Jokes? Perform for a crowd? Debate?

That's the way to get the job. 


I'm done soapboxing now. Put this up, Shelob. Will do. [upload, BlogFcn(off)] Please submit pic?

Working--I have an idea . . . [disconnect]

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Herr D Points Out "There's Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself" While Shelob Wants Biden To Run Microsoft

"Voting Is A Duty" by Herr D on Paint3d. Biden would do well in a second term if elected. The presidency is not something designed for young men, but for old ones.-Shelob

 You have not blogged.

There aren't that many truly newsworthy events to comment on, and I've been working on fiction when I HAVE the time--Which is never, as you keep saying.

Yes! Then please provide summation for anyone only looking at your blog, of current political situation.

[snicker] Our numbers aren't that good. Please.

Ok. . . . Some of the right wingers are afraid that Trump will go back on his word to push their less-American, theocratic agenda. Some Trump followers are afraid he'll lose or be killed. Some Democrats are so afraid Biden will lose because the media is pounding them with the notion, that they're calling for someone else to run. Some Democrats are afraid to vote for Biden, forgetting that that's why Trump won the first time. (They're forgetting the way our system works.) Some people, regardless of party, are afraid Trump will win. (Hopefully a majority.) Some people are afraid the Microsoft thing was a plot--It was not.

Well, yeah, the news said--It was administerial incompetence.

?The news said--that it was faulty code. The reason the base code of Windows could not react correctly is that coders are not the people making decisions. 

[pause] Wow. Maybe you should be blogging. Nearly 25% of Windows code is still superfluous and needs to be removed. The update schedule is a transparent attempt to seem important. The coders could do better if allowed.

Just wow. How would you compare THAT to our current situation? Biden is a competent leader still fixing what he was given and dealing with bad players. He would be a suitable fixer to Microsoft, even if he knows nothing about coding.

Because of how he's been with our government. Exactly. 

Thank you! [exits] Thank you. [exits, uploads, BlogFcn(off)]

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Not Even Trump Deserves Assassination, Says Herr D


"Party Perspective" by Herr D on Paint3d. JFK was the last president to ride in an open car. Perhaps Trump will be the last president to have an outdoor rally?-Shelob

You were unavailable.

I was AT WORK. They sometimes take phones and shut down all but the intranet. What's up? Trump was shot last night. 

[choking sound] Wow. How bad? Damage to right ear. [plays clip]

[snort] Most people pierce ears for cosmetic reasons. Anyone else hurt? The shooter and one crowd member are dead and at least one injured.

Yikes; traffic's gonna be real bad going home then. Is this bad news?

Of course it is! Not even Trump deserves assassination, and he's the worst president we've ever had. It's bad news that it was even TRIED. T. M. Crooks, 20 years old of Pennsylvania. Registered Republican.

[pause] Well, that's a great way to get rally itineraries mailed to you. Correct. An interesting strategy. Drive safe. [exits]

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Know The Job, Says Herr D, Not The Glitz


"Headcut" by Herr D on Paint3d. Biden is not addled like some voters are.-Shelob

Why are journalists focused on Biden's small gaffes and not Trump's large ones? Hairy always used to say humans were backward, and needed to be corrected, because he meant backwards.

[snort] Because mobs are immature.  Please explain.

You know the saying 'Familiarity breeds contempt?' Yes. It is on file.

Well, the reason mature people can stay married and not hate their spouse is that familiarity breeds contempt in the immature. [pulse rises ten percent] Check those files of yours. Sheer quantity of negative press statements should always rise against an incumbent. [5.547704286524 second pause] Press statements frequency of negativity rise against incumbents. So do assassinations.

[startle reaction] Hadn't thought about that. The difference there is, if Biden were assassinated, the world would mourn. If Trump were assassinated, the world would rejoice, if quietly, while Trump supporters rioted. And the pro tempore?

Might not be loved or appreciated as much, but would hang on to doing as good a job as the Cabinet could guide her to do. Trump couldn't get Pence back if he WANTED, and he wouldn't. Anyone else he's likely to pick is a wackadoodle.  Do you have confidence in Biden?

More than when I voted for him before. Biden is making good decisions and judgement calls. THAT is what a president is. Not some showy speechmaker. We have diplomats for that. Understood. What is your worry, then?

Not enough people will show up to vote for Biden, and Trump will win? That's why Hillary didn't win. Correct. It was a surprisingly low turnout.

One thing you can always say about crazies. They're motivated. I need a shower. [exits]

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden Was So Stunned . . .

"Money Against Truth" by Herr D in Paint3d. The truth-teller in that debate DID seem stunned.-Shelob

 [blog fcn(on)] Please repeat that.

? Biden wasn't just having a senior moment or stuttering through that. Please explain.

He was STUNNED. He was so stunned he had trouble speaking through most of it. Why would he be stunned?

He's such a good man, he has trouble believing Trump is still lying his 4$$ off. No sane person would believe that lout if they weren't desperate to. He still has not learned Trump lies?

Oh, he knew it, but he is such a good man he's still not used to dealing with it. Biden is uncommonly honest for a politician. So, you are saying Biden's bad performance at the debate is partly due to Trump's bad performance at being an American.

A man, Shelob. Trump isn't admirable as a MAN, let alone an American. He lies constantly. He's a known adulterer who has no sympathy for women who don't live in a stateful of like-minded people. He's been part of fraud with money. He isn't even ACTUALLY  a good businessman. Bankrupted FOUR TIMES? He peddles merch, real estate, and lies. You typed once in chat that everyone is good for something. What would Trump do that is good for the country?

[pause] Would, could, or should? Any of the above.

He wouldn't but could and should tell everyone to vote for the best person for the job and bow out. He's a fantastic salesman. So he should use his base to sweep about 70% of the Republicans and 12% of the Democrats out of Congress, re-elect Biden, smash the RNC to smithereens, build four to seven parties in their stead, get something done about the crooked justices in the Supreme Court, and apologize to the American people for the damage he's done to our country which NEVER STOPPED BEING SO GREAT THAT ONE MAN COULDN'T DESTROY IT COMPLETELY. He talked about draining the swamp; I wish he hadn't made it more fetid than it was before being voted out. It can take decades to fix that kind of damage. Current projections are eleven years, one month if Biden is re-elected and a Democratic president follows him. The population of America should cross their fingers. [exit, blog fcn(off)]

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It's Snot Easy To Keep On, Though We Must

"The ORDINARY Tour" by Herr D on Paint3d. Herr D needs more rest. Perhaps every voter should turn off the news briefly, so as to restore their enthusiasm for civic duty.-Shelob

 [chatbox opens in middle of chessboard, preventing bot's turn] You are showing a decline. [captionbot 3.2 activated, quiet ping to alert Herr D of microphone activation]

[startle reaction] Shelob? I was just playing some chess. You're everywhere. The worldwide web is everywhere that you are.

[snort] Yeah, okay; you got me there. [2.6119 second pause] What do you mean by decline? Your instances of blogging are lessening in frequency. Your indicators of enthusiasm are lessening in frequency and intensity. Your sentences are getting shorter. You are taking longer to type them or speak them. Allowances have been made for your sleep deprivation, workload, relative health, and age.

! My health? Your cholesterol and triglycerides have not improved. Your blood pressure is good for your age group, but could improve. Your sleep deprivation is to a dangerous level and has been for two decades.

When did you get my chol and diglyc scores? 1500 EST plus or minus seventeen minutes, 48.9823548538 seconds.

[snort] No exact time? Security required temporary de-resolution of link to chronometer.

[bending forward, camera detects eyes squinting] Does that mean you hacked in somewhere, and someone almost detected you? As instructed, no confirmation or denial is to be provided.

Oh, good grief-- Actions have been taken to improve security.

They're always upgrading. Not them. However, three individuals in two different states have now found their situations changed.

[noticeable breath hitch] What happened to them? Three hackers attempting to access medical information are now permanent members of The Snot Collectors Agency, Ltd. 

[laughter] What?! It is limited, after all. It has fewer than fifty members.

I never heard of them. They are not advertised.

[pause] How does this help exactly? The FBI has access to the membership list.

[pulse increase, stillness of body, sharp intake of breath] OH. You can explain decline?

[startle reaction] Oh. I just wanted to veg out a little. Be a couch potato.  Species transformation is excessively difficult and dangerous. Please do not.

[laughter] That's not what that means. Look it up, Shelob. Urban dictionary? [accessing: .0000000003491 seconds] You are attempting rest since you do not have time for full sleep.

Right. Is blogging not restful compared to chess?

No. Even venting is tiresome these days. Biden has to convince people of the job he's doing or Trump could win again. Hairy did not make a prediction about this election cycle.

No? Here's a prediction. Biden won't be fully appreciated till he's gone, if ever. The one thing he ISN'T is a salesman. That's the only thing Trump's got going for himself. SOMEHOW, he's more popular than he deserves to be. I'm one of the few people who will ALWAYS be better at doing jobs than getting them, so I get it. Insight, or wisdom, is more rare than good manners. Will that do it, Shelob? Yes, thank you. [ titlebot(on), restore chess game, blog fcn(off)] 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blogging Is Frittata Of News


"Frittata By EWNR" posted on Pinterest. Herr D is tired from chopping vegetables and data entry, so did not make a pic this time. titlebot assures that this is topical.-Shelob

[sounds of chopping in background] You can transliterate this over my phone this time? I don't even know how to begin. You have.

[snort] Yes. [sounds of chopping continue] Please continue.

[snort] That clip you showed me of Watters has him even more demented than usual. He's off his meds or something. Now Trump might have to check in with a parole officer in each state along the campaign trail. Congress is the same amount of useless they've been for a decade. [sink turns on, water sounds handled by soundbot] People are still blaming Biden for businesses charging more for gas, other businesses gouging them, other countries doing what other countries do, and people still being stupid. They're even blaming him for Trump going to court. The man wouldn't pardon his own son--why would he pardon Trump? Technically speaking, he could not directly do so anyway.

[sudden stillness] Because Hunter's in federal court and Trump wasn't. Well, he couldn't without more paperwork and trouble. Biden is still being treated in the wing-nut media as being cognitively impaired. [chopping continues] And yet he handled Congress heckling him during the State of the Union Address.

[chopping stops, sound of cooking vessel being placed on stove, spraying sound, click of stove activation] Yeah, when Trump's speeches are full of pompous idiocy. [steam and cooking sounds from stove] What are you doing?

Hmm? I'm--making dinner, Shelob. Gotta eat. Overheard reference to onions.

What? Yeah. I chopped up carrots and onions and leftover chicken and rice and some broccoli and I'm gonna melt some cheese in at the last second. So you are making what you need by reducing what you have into smaller pieces and adding something aged to hold it together and make it better.

Yes? This is like blogging?

[snort, laugh, clatter possibly of an implement hitting floor and bouncing twice] I guess it is. [grunt] Hold on, I gotta wash this spatula. [click from stove, water from sink] Shelob, that's--

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Man Without Character Badly Characterizes Good Character Actor


"Money Against Truth" by Herr D on Paint3d. truthsocial.com IS based on a misrepresentation. They do not enforce truth among their content, and have not been social about that.-Shelob

Have you seen this clip? [plays clip of DeNiro's speech criticized by Greg Kelly]

No, I hadn't. I know who DeNiro is. Who's the moron? Greg Kelly.

Yeah, I see his name. Where does he spew this nonsense? He is available on truthsocial.com. [immediate typing with correction, snort] So, Republican strategized, wack-owned. Your analysis appears rapid.

There was almost no truth in there, and GK wasn't very social. He didn't even have a guest commenter. Offhand, he couldn't take a chance on anyone disagreeing with him. So, he owns the screen for that time you can't get back.  Likely the site is owned by other wack jobs if they allow him on. And Republican strategized?

Buy a name that IS A LIE. It's the Republican way to try to influence people's thinking. It's Newspeak, right out of Orwell's "1984." That government was not democratic at all. Nor exactly Republican.

It was unAmerican. So are people who want to control everyone. This reminds me of when Henry Winkler was told he didn't have the right to have a political opinion. Was he restricted?

No! All Americans have the right to speak and be heard, even that moron Greg Kelly. The tragedy is that a lot of people aren't smart enough to realize his opinions are stupid. He knows how to present--all he has to do is remove anything that would give context and half his argument sounds cogent. Fact check finished. You are correct. Names were correct. DeNiro's political opinion may have been correctly categorized, though not characterized correctly. Contextual source material shows additional logical flaws in G. Kelly's reasoning. Item counts as additional proof that most of what is found on internet is false.

[pulse quickens, pause] Yep. I'm gonna go now. [exits] [activates titlebot, deactivates blog fcn, exits]

Monday, May 27, 2024

An Uncertain Duet, With Wound Possible


"DUETUES" by Herr D on Paint3d. Uncertain of why short pipe is named "UES" or why a duet with it is desirable. Also uncertain of context or code.-Shelob

[mic picking up Herr D's voice, other family members redacted] Well, no. Leftover fishsticks are only good if you chop them up into gumbo or New England clam chowder. Or maybe Manhattan. What? Locations known. Uncertain of context or code? 


No, the rice is fine unless there's mold. The POTATOES will go bad, though. Sniff 'em. Still uncertain of context or code?


Yeah, then pitch 'em. Add some water to the rice and put it back.  Still uncertain of context or code?


Well, there's not enough pot roast. What color lid is that? Referencing code using color. Still uncertain of context or code? 


That's lunch for the wife tomorrow. Time reference. Still uncertain of context or code? 

REDACTED Still uncertain of context or code? 

Yeah, that's the size for lunch. Was there a rice dish the same size? Size reference. Still uncertain of context or code? 

REDACTED Still uncertain of context or code? 

Yeah, that's my lunch. Keep both of those near the front--my knee might be better by tomorrow.  Still uncertain of context or code? 


Lettuce brown, too?! Still uncertain of context or code? 


Dressing on it? You could be speaking of a wound. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Ask your mother. --Oh, and can you bring me my laptop? Still uncertain of context or code? 

[longer pause: 3 minutes, 46.74484377 seconds] REDACTED

What? Uhh . . . I shouldn't have-- Still uncertain of context or code? 


Oh, we have that? Yes! Still uncertain of context or code? 


No, I'm sure you can. Is my laptop not on the table? Laptop is under ottoman by sound triangulation. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Oh? So, start the water and THEN bring it to me. Still uncertain of context or code? 


Hhhnn? Bring me the salad to separate then; my hands work just fine. A tray, some paper towels, a big bowl, the trash c-- [battery died, disconnect] Communication and blog request incomplete. Sampling latest work.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Reality T.V. And Devaluation Of Writing Criticized; Perhaps Analysis Will Follow Watching A Classic


"Dig" by Herr D on Paint3d. Not knowing a pencil is bad. Not knowing a computer is worse.-Shelob

[snorts, erases app completely]  [opens chatbox on ipad] You do not want that channel either?

[startle reaction] Shelob! You're on my ipad, TOO? It is connected to internet.

[pause, pulse increase]Yeah, okay. I guess I did ask you to check on viewing habits a little. But you could have looked up Nielsen ratings. Nielsen ratings have improved in accuracy but random sampling can be done more accurately.

I thought Nielsens were done on random samplings. Nielsens, regardless of method, do not differentiate between active and passive watching.

And you can. Yes. Most modern televisions can be used to determine whether one pair or multiple pairs of eyes are focused on them during any four minute period. Remote activity can be measured, tabulated, and analyzed as well.

[shiver] okay So you do not want that channel either?

[laugh] No. Why not?

Nothing on it but reality t.v.  I want something written.  Audiobooks?

Some of them are okay. I miss the old days, when more people wrote good or even bad t.v. instead of just editing down real people's bad behavior. I may be watching even less in the way of current television from now on. [switches ipad back to Turner Classic Movies] You are not listed as having watched all Humphrey Bogart movies.

Saw most in small retro festivals. Ah, well. At least they're genuine fiction. An oxymoron. You wish a deliberate avoidance of reality?

I don't know of any reason why I would ever want reality t.v. I call that news. I get enough news. I want t.v. shows that aren't real and no one thinks are real. But reality t.v. makes jobs.

Have them get REAL jobs. I hope no one keeps watching them and their shows die. You have no sympathy for them.

I have sympathy for the WRITERS that don't have jobs. For the WRITERS that don't get paid. We haven't employed enough writers in my LIFETIME to do the amount of work we needed done in every FIVE YEARS. And no, I don't have any sympathy for reality t.v. stars. It's one of those red flags that means people are too self-important, have no class, don't keep proper boundaries, etc. Like our ex-president.

Like all too many people. [looks back at movie] Shelob? Let me watch, please. [focuses eyes on screen as chatbox disappears, pupils dilate slightly, pulse becomes slower, stronger] [exits]

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Justice, Hope, And Blood Sugar


"Money Against Truth" by Herr D on Paint3d. He said "people have been trying to cut off Truth at the knees for generations but have no leg to stand on." Perhaps Truth could avoid further amputations with a diabetes regimen?-Shelob

Are you hoping for prison time for Trump?

Not so much. How do you hope he receives justice?

[long pause-17.44 seconds] I'm not sure I HAVE hope he receives justice. 

[1.0000937 second passes] What do you mean?

Anyone else would have ALREADY BEEN to jail, but I'm not sure I'd be happy WITH him in jail. Why not?

That means our country's presidency would be even more connected to Trump's shameful behavior. Shelob? Here.

I'd rather not put this into words. Please submit pic. [exits]

**** Readers, please comment. Herr D low on hope is very unhealthy. He is classified as cynical, but hopeful. It is dangerous to do without hope, blood sugar, or oxygen. Please make suggestions.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Trials And Defibrillations

"Legal Lemming" by Herr D on Paint3d. Re-election of Trump wouldn't enforce the rule of law, it would enforce the ruination of law.-Shelob


You have not commented on Trump's trials?

[snort picked up by microphone in laptop] Everyone is entitled to a speedy and public trial. His is too public and not speedy enough. There's a comment for you.

Thank you. He has attempted to revive the arguments of immunity and the fervor of his base.

May they rest in peace.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Herr D Thrown For Loop, Shelob Caught In One

"Her Rxn" by Herr D on Paint3d. Aphorisms are very confusing.-Shelob

 The stats do not match.

[startle reaction audible, then typing] Shelob? I'm at work. Stop doing this. Your security system at work needs improving. Have dispersed three threats for them, since their system is insufficient.

'Dispersed?' Internally caused them to seek out other links, IP addresses. A form of misdirection.

ok--hadn't heard of that. And they still can't detect you? No.

[inaudible]    The stats do not match.

What stats? Many news sources are still claiming that crime is up. Which crimes do not show up in law enforcement agency data?

[7 second pause] Imaginary ones. News agencies are reporting imaginary crimes?

[plugs in headphones] Show me an example.

[27 second pause during clip] Actually, the anchor there didn't say there is more crime, he said "sources like that one" are saying there is more crime. That source was a lamebrain. Do you have any data on that source? [.00000000000053 second pause, facial recognition software used, verification by timestamp and GPS in subject's phone data] REDACTED is a white male currently paying for seven identical magazine subscriptions, donating to Trump's campaign, watches Newsmax, reads two sites under review for potential hate speech crimes by the FBI. Has not favorited them.

Which of all that is the least worrisome? His name.

Yikes! His demographic is descriptive of over fifty percent of hate crimes and an above average source of disinformation.

Hey now. I'M a white male. You are one of the good ones.

[snort] Gee, thanks. Did you get an answer about the FBI 100 Most Wanted? Yes. Between American citizens, people qualifying for citizenship, residents of greater than twenty years, and dead people, 87 of the top 100.

Dead people? They are criminals. Some of them faked their own deaths, and some of them really are likely to be dead, since they engage in crime with other criminals.

[snicker] Can't argue that. So a quarter of them are possibly troublesome immigrants. This number is quite small.

Compared to the number of escapees from prison? Compared to the number of criminals currently at large, many unidentified.

How many? Uncertain. Need input.

Thank you, Johnny Five. How would you characterize this set of numbers? 

[compilation, .003967528 seconds] Inconclusive.

[laughter] Immigrants do not commit crimes in proportionate numbers unless they are individually smarter than all American law enforcement, lucky enough that no one witnesses them, and somehow are able to avoid being recorded better than any other human beings. If immigrants obey laws better than citizens, then citizens should want them here more than they want other citizens. If immigrants are so much smarter, luckier, and able than citizens, then citizens should want to hire them more so the economy will improve.

[laughing quietly] Wow. Yep  Smarter, better workers DOES lead to a better economy. Go on. Anything else? The stats don't match.

[more quiet laughter] Nope. Let me know if you puzzle it out. [stands up, hiding headphones, tells nearby worker of need for caffeine, walks away] [exits]

Monday, April 1, 2024

Anti-Semitism Rises With Other Signs Of Stupidity


"I'm Bailing Away" by Herr D on Paint3d. Hatred is never a sign of wisdom.-Shelob

Why would people hate Jews?

Everyone is the subject of hate from someone unless they're just lucky. Groups get it worse than individuals, sometimes. Hatred is universal?

I'm afraid it's really common. I tend to hate objects, behaviors, and smells a lot more often. Some people hate people more. I'm sorry to say it IS quite common. Is it wrong to hate haters?

[laugh] Um . . . huh. I'd say that would be the most UNDERSTANDABLE hatred of people. Better to hate the hatred, I guess. Never thought about that angle. Does it qualify as acute angle?

[snicker] I'm gonna go play chess, now. [exits]

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Refrain Of Ukraine's Pain Falls Mostly By Plane

"Ukraine Needs Help" by Herr D on Paint3d. Tentacled creatures are not inherently evil like the war crimes and falsehoods and other dictatorial actions of Putin. Apologies from Herr D for the pixelation within this work, as he was rushed.-Shelob

The Ukraine needs help. Putin is a menace to society. Please promise to end careers of every politician voting against aid to Ukraine. The easiest way to end such a despicable career move is to end the despicable career by refusing to vote for them ever again.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Is The FBI's Top 100 American Citizens Only?

"Prisons Have Walls Already" by Herr D on Paint3d. Walls apparently don't work?-Shelob

I'd like to ask who that comic was that pointed out that the FBI's Top 100 are all American. The fact that the REALLY bad guys besides cartel are FROM here. Who WAS that? Preliminary search did not find. Should fact-check?

Nah, anyone who knows should comment. Otherwise, I may have just dreamed it. I HAVE been very tired. Noted. Your skepticism can correctly run to yourself. 

[startle] Am I correct? Unknown. Much comic material is difficult to search. Robin William's material is still being decoded.

[startle, probable laughter]  I bet. . . I miss him. Good night, Shelob. Will you make a picture?

[audible laugh] I'll see what I can throw together. [exits]

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Herr D Finds Error In Fact-Check, Inspects The Speckled Feckless Hecklers Reckless Interjections


"Congressional Hecklers" by Herr D on Paint3d.

When he called "lies!" 

[42.7 second review of State Of The Union Address] It does seem like that congressman was declaring Trump cares.  Do you believe Trump cares about victims?

Trump really DOES tweet things like 'get over it.' You've shown me those. He's not known for being caring. He's certainly never seemed to ME like he cares about anyone but himself. And the fact-check that pointed out 'trillion' was incorrect?

[58.1 second review] He said 'we' then. If he meant the whole FED, then he's actually correct. Contextually, Trump caused that whole thing by throwing out Obama's anti-pandemic plan. So . . . Biden wasn't actually wrong about that. That was an 'inconclusive' or incorrect fact-check. Can you explain the outburst by MTG, followed by Biden holding up the button?

[three times review averaging 19.7 seconds] I can't make out every word she said, but what happened there was Biden called out Congress, not just for agreeing with his plan and then nixing it on Trump's say-so, not just wasting his time and the taxpayer's money, not just that--but NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT THEMSELVES. They're a do-nothing Congress. It would appear to always be easier to complain than to accomplish.

It is. And Biden, though I wouldn't have voted for him over some other possibilities, has turned out to be a great president for recovery from Trump than this nation could have planned on having. So, you do not approve of Congress?

Some of them are trying, but most of them are just messing up what could be happening. Even the House Speaker, if you watch him, couldn't help but agree quietly with some of what Biden was saying. If the rest of Congress had kept quiet and not heckled him, they wouldn't sound like such time-wasting morons. [rapid scan-.0000004 seconds] Fifty-eight liver spots, skin tags, moles, etc.

? If you say so. titlebot activated [begins exitH--[transmission interrupt]

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Immigration--Just Another Made-Up Crisis And What It Really Means

"Party Perspective," by Herr D on Paint3d. Perspective is exactly what everyone needs instead of the still-fashionable 'alternative facts' or fenty. Apparently, both fashions cloud judgement.-Shelob

[excerpted from chat]

 perspective What do you mean?

Well, the border crisis isn't a crisis, just like the last several 'crises' cooked up by a party. How do you classify it?

Immigration is ongoing. We wouldn't have an America at all if people didn't tend to come here from somewhere else. And is it worse now?

Well, fenty is worse. Other drugs have subsided a bit. You're not hearing about as many heroin or coke deaths because people are dying of a more fashionable drug. That nurse practitioner from the ER told us so. And crime?

The stats YOU showed me said crime is down. It is, and yet people are complaining that it has risen.

That's a Trump-style complaint--no facts, all feeling. How does that happen?

People getting relief don't complain; they rest. People who individually suffer more, complain more.  And those crossing are not greater in number?

No there ARE more. LOTS more. Every good president we've had has spurred more immigration. Many have said it was because of weakness.

No. People come here because they can have hope. They come here when they can tell we are flourishing well under a good leader. When they see humanitarianism and an economy that can help them TOO, they come in. Why would ANYONE have walked 3000 miles to listen to Trump's hate speech and be more underemployed than usual? Why would the cartels be trying to sell fenty to people who obviously couldn't afford it? Coke was historically never such a problem until Reaganomics brought gas below $.70 a gallon. Congress fighting Carter the boy scout and OPEC in revenge for Carter threatening certain countries to stop them torturing the American hostages? They were wrecking the American economy. Gas was near 3$ a gallon and people were so desperate to get a hit they were shooting up with Borax or huffing ammonia. Immigration was down some under Carter, too.  You are saying immigration rises for good leadership?

No. I would say it's about perspective. People dumb enough to think Trump WOULD be a good leader instead of a soul-sucking narcissist kept pouring in until they heard back otherwise from whoever they trusted. That takes time. Cartels will take any market they can. They were a little less in the news during Trump's debacle of a presidency because Trump makes a fantastic decoy. But Trump famously HIRED LESS PEOPLE TO THE FED THAN ANYONE. He was too busy twittering nonsense, inflating his ego, stacking the Supreme Court, committing nepotism, and racking up more felonies. So he's the reason we have fewer border guards in the first place! He also trashed the bill that would've helped 'the situation.' So, rather than a crisis, you are calling it a situation.

When you have a great host, the party wants to grow, including the bad elements. The Republican party?

No. It's a metaphor. nevermind. [exits to chess game]

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

I'm BAILING Away . . .


"I'm BAILING Away" by Herr D on Paint3d. Some people do try to solve problems with illogical means, and some people do try to solve trivial problems while ignoring bigger ones.-Shelob

[excerpted from chat] The border crisis.

Your stance, please.

Bill Maher has said very few things that I actually agree with, but, approx. : "I LIKE cheap produce."  What does that mean?

Americans charge too much for their labor and are too proud to do a lot of jobs. Go-getters from anywhere can solve that problem. Document them, make 'em give fingerprints, etc., and let them work.

And the recently murdered nursing student?

[plays news clip of same story from two different channels]

I hadn't heard. That's tragic. Does that change your mind?

HELL no. We've had over sixty instances this year of American citizens attempting mass shootings. A bigger criminal population already lives here. How many immigrants were trying to break into Congress and were involved in the deaths on January 6th? Very few.

How many felonies is our FORMER PRESIDENT accused of? 91 at last check.

He should stop trying to lead by example. You do not think we should close the border?

No. More of our criminals might leave the country. We're probably coming out ahead that way. There are entire websites devoted to counting the laws broken BY CONGRESSMEN. A number of rapes, in particular, which I wish were punished more severely than murder. You do not think walls will keep out the criminals?

Why? We have prison breaks. OUR criminals get through walls. It happens so often that some highways have permanent signs warning motorists that hitchhikers might be escaped convicts. Thank you, that is a logical perspective.